I’m BAAAAAAaaaaaak!


Hey kids! It’s been a couple of weeks, but the most critical of cinephiles is back in action. I’m sure you are all well aware of how work and life can sometimes get in the way of everything that you’d much rather be doing. This has been my status of late and I’ve been forced to put on my big-girl panties and act like an adult. It sucks, but if I want to continue to enjoy the luxuries of life (such as food and electricity) I gots to do what I gots to do.

So here’s what’s up-and-coming dear readers. Since I know this spat of crazy busy is not an isolated event, I’m introducing a new segment that will ensure we will never be apart again. The segment is called “Oh So Trivial”, and will consist of daily bits of cinema trivia that will amaze and astound and make you the life of any party! Well, that might be selling it a bit much, but most of them are pretty interesting.

I do promise to continue posting reviews of my favorite not-so-mainstream flicks, and the occasional article. And for those of you who have been waiting with baited breath for the third instalment of “Oh The Horror!”, I assure you it will be posted this Friday.

And now a personal note to my new found, delightful family of film bloggers that I enjoy following every day. I apologize for falling so far behind in my visits, but I assure you I will be getting caught up as much as possible soon, and getting back to leaving my quirky comments.

Thanks for your patience!

The Critical Cinephile

24 responses to “I’m BAAAAAAaaaaaak!

    • Thanks Eric! And you can keep your mushy shit to yourself, mister. I’ve already read your post about the “man on the third floor”, and with you, the definition of mushy shit could go either way!

      (But it is nice to be missed. Makes me feel all warm and gooey in my heart parts!)

      • Good point – and I did have Charleston’s last night. I’ll let you make your own inferences there.

  1. last time I heard tell of you…you were seriously disrupting the serenity of OKC’s Museum of Art by raising the question as to whether Chihuly had a glass eye…glad you baaaaaaack, girlfriend!

      • Haha, I’m just glad someone out there enjoys them. Glad you’re sticking around too! Happy to get a clean slate on my site though, feeling really good about it. Wasn’t happy with the state of things earlier this week. Happy now! 🙂

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